Online Listening
Shopper Caller Telephone Numbers

Online Shopper

WBF Shopper Podcast

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WBF Shopper Sponsors

Harvest Meat Market

Budget U-Pull-It

Bryan's Collision Center

Bartow Pharmacy

Githens State Farm Bartow

Kelley Buick GMC

Polk County Sheriff's Office

Polk County Government
The WBF Shopper

Welcome to
The WBF Shopper

The classified column
of the airways

The WBF Shopper is heard Monday through Saturday from 9 to 10 AM. Listeners from all over central Florida call The WBF Shopper to buy, sell, trade or give away items on the radio, for FREE!

To announce your items on
The WBF Shopper - call 863-533-0745

The WBF Shopper has been the place to buy, sell, or trade items for local listeners for almost six decades. Continuously on the air since 1969, The WBF Shopper is still the number one show of its kind in the central Florida listening area.

Guidelines for The WBF Shopper
The best way to ensure the maximum number of listeners will get on the air is to limit every caller to:
  • One (1) telephone call per day,

  • A maximum of three (3) items per call,

  • Please keep your ad short. Don't forget, others are waiting to use the program.

When calling please be mindful of backgroud noise. You can't sell your items, if we can't hear you.
  • Speak Up, Speak Clearly, and Speak Slowly.

  • Announce your telephone number, twice.

  • Avoid feedback, turn down your radio, while announcing your items.

  • If we have problems with background noise, we will move on to the next caller.
And remember no telephone calls are placed 'on hold' prior to the program, all telephone lines open when The WBF Shopper begins.

In addition the staff and management of WWBF or Thornburg Communications, Inc., makes no claims or offers as to products being sold on The WBF Shopper by our listeners.

Having trouble getting on The WBF Shopper, try these tips:
  • Listen to the program on the radio, FM 102.9, FM 97.1 or AM 1130. The host of the program will announce when the phone lines are available and/or open.

  • Advertise your items using our online version of The WBF Shopper, for free!

Rules for The WBF Shopper
The following is a list of items not permitted on The WBF Online Shopper:
Rules for the WBF Online Shopper
  • Selling animals of any kind including dogs, cats, primates, cage birds, rodents, reptiles, amphibians, fish, cows, bulls, goats, etc. Animal parts, blood, or fluids are also not permitted, including stud/breeding service. Looking to buy an animal is allowed.
  • Commercial or home businesses (including flea market items).
  • Rentals, Rental Property or Rent-To-Own.
  • Alcohol and tobacco products.
  • People looking for specific work and/or jobs.
  • People looking to buy, collect, pickup, or haul scrap metal or any unwanted items.
  • Illegal telecommunications equipment, including access cards, satellite TV equipment (ex: Direct TV / Dish Network), signal jamming devices, password sniffers, unloopers, cable descramblers, or CB radio linear amplifiers.
  • Fireworks, including "safe and sane" fireworks or any destructive devices or explosives.
Ads and/or items violating these rules, are not permitted on The WBF Shopper.

Firearms on The WBF Shopper
For the purpose of the Shopper, a person selling or buying a firearm is defined as: "a documented resident of the State of Florida, making occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms and/or ammunition for the enhancement of a personal collection. In addition, the selling of firearms and/or ammunition cannot be the principal objective of livelihood and profit through the repetitive purchase and resale of firearms.

Florida law permits private firearms transfers between residents without processing through a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL). While no State of Florida license or background check is required to purchase a rifle, shotgun or handgun from a private seller, we suggest a firearm and/or ammunition seller confirm that the buyer is
  • not a convicted felon
  • 21 years of age or older
  • a documented resident of the State of Florida
  • has a vaild and current Concealed Carry Weapons Permit
Click here to access The Florida Crime Information Center, if you are concerned about buying a stolen firearm. You will need the serial number of the firearm, to conduct the search.

The WBF Shopper Podcast Shopper Podcast
Did you miss The WBF Shopper program? No worries, you can replay the latest episodes of The WBF Shopper, using the links below, and it's free.

You can also subscribe to our podcast on your favorite streaming service, with the links on the right.

Replay Saturday's Shopper
Replay Friday's Shopper
Replay Thursday's Shopper
Replay Wednesday's Shopper
Replay Tuesday's Shopper
Replay Monday's Shopper
Listen/Subscribe to the WBF Shopper Podcast on Apple Music

Listen/Subscribe to the WBF Shopper Podcast on Spotify

Listen/Subscribe to the WBF Shopper Podcast on YouTube Music

Listen/Subscribe to the WBF Shopper Podcast on Pandora

Listen/Subscribe to the WBF Shopper Podcast on Amazon Music